Freshwater Tropical Fish Wholesale Supplier – Aquarium Advice

East Coast Tranship makes the following information available to pet store trade and consumers to help you give your fish friends a better home to live! For more information, call us at (301) 782-1025 or visit the links at the bottom of this article.

East Coast Tranship, Inc. is a freshwater tropical fish wholesale supplier that sells to the pet store trade only. We are a direct importer which means you save 50 to 70% over wholesale prices.

Very small delicate fish get lost, or are often eaten by larger fish in a normal sized aquarium (30-125 gallons.) But, in a small 5-10 gallon tank, sitting on an office desk, there really are a large variety of small freshwater tropical fish and invertebrates that can be added to make a display that’s every bit as interesting and aesthetic as a big tank.

Here are some interesting freshwater tropical fish wholesale additions for the smaller tanks. Most do well in a planted tank.

Fork Tail Rainbows – Popondichthys furcata (Indonesia code 4764) average 1″

Fork Tail Rainbow

The rainbowfish found in river systems east of the Great Dividing Range of Queensland Australia are schooling and do not do well or show off their best colors if kept singly. Your freshwater tropical fish wholesale tank should include at least six individuals from the species.

The tank can be well planted along the back and sides, but leave plenty of open area as these fish are lively swimmers and require lots of swimming room. Use drift wood and bog roots only sparingly as they tend to acidify the water. A good plant to use is the java moss as it is native to the region and can also serve as a spawning medium.

Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlid – Apistogramma cacatuoides (Indonesia code 4003) Average 1-1.25″

Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlid

Apistogramma cacatuoides is a species of South American cichlid fish usually known under the common name cockatoo dwarf cichlid. The cockatoo dwarf is one of the best suited cichlid species for the planted aquarium. As the male is highly territorial however, it should be kept in pairs, trios (1 male, 2 females) or harems (1 male with many females), and in the company of peaceful tank mates like tetras. Water conditions should be in the pH 6.0-pH 7.5 range.

Agassizi’s dwarf cichlid – Apistogramma agassizii (Indonesia code 4688) Average 1-1.25″

Agassizi’s Dwarf Cichlid

Apistogramma agassizii is the scientific name for the Agassizi’s dwarf cichlid, a fish that occurs in many southern tributaries of the Amazon river. Male Agassizi’s dwarf cichlids are territorial by nature. Just like all dwarf cichlids the Agassizi’s dwarf cichlid requires weekly partial water changes in order to keep the nitrate levels as low as possible. The Agassizi’s dwarf cichlid grows to 4 inches (10 cm.) in length. It prefers a hardness level of 50 – 10 m/gl and a pH of 6.0.

Apistogramma pandurini (Indonesia code 4240) Average 1-1.25″

Apistogramma pandurini

A freshwater fish from South America. It is a dwarf cichlid, closely related to Apistogramma nijsseni.

Apistogramma Panduro, are sometimes referred to as Apistogramma pandurini. The name is derived from the Peruvian fish exporters who first collected the fish. Their native Peruvian waters are soft and acid with a sandy substrate. pH in their native waters is usually below 6.0. They are not fussy eaters and will adapt to most high quality foods.

Blue Killifish – Aphyosemion gardneri (Indonesia code 4629) Average 1.25″

Blue Killifish

A killifish is any of various egg-laying cyprinodontiform fish. All in all there are some 1270 different species of killifish, the biggest family being Rivulidae, containing more than 320 species. Members of this order are notable for inhabiting harsh environments, such as saline or very warm waters, water of poor quality, or isolated situations where no other types of fish occur. They are typically omnivores, and often live near the surface, where the oxygen-rich water compensates for environmental disadvantages.

Clown Killifish – Epiplathys annulatus (Indonesia code 4186) Average 1.25″

Clown Killifish

The Clown killi or Banded panchax is a type of killifish, and is not related to a clownfish. It is a rather rare fish and is marked with brown and yellow with vivid blue and red.

Most Killifish are territorial to varying degrees. In the aquarium, territorial behavior is different for every grouping, and will even vary by individuals. In a large enough freshwater tropical fish wholesale aquarium, most species can live in groups as long as there are more than three males.

Pencilfish – Nannostomus beckfordi (Indonesia code 4663) Average 1 -1.25″


Nannostomus thrive in home aquaria when provided with soft, moderately acidic water, low nitrate levels and temperatures in the range of 72 degrees F to 82 degrees F. The addition of aquatic plants, including floating varieties, is recommended. The latter will reduce the likelihood of the fish jumping, which is a common occurrence for some of the species, especially N. espei and N. unifasciatus. They should be kept in schools of at least six in a freshwater tropical fish wholesale tank.

If kept in a community aquarium, the best tank mates are other species of Nannostomus, small peaceful characins and corydoras. Aquaria with strong water current, large tank mates, or swift-moving species are contraindicated. If kept in a thickly planted single-species aquarium with the above water parameters, most species will spawn, eggs will not be eaten, and the fry will be found among the floating plants. Baby brine shrimp, live or frozen, and other small-sized foods are required for both fry and adults.

Nannostomus are also avid biofilm grazers and, for most of the species, algae is an under-reported staple of their diet. In most species the males will establish small territories and defend them. Their defensive actions are usually harmless but, in two species, N. mortenthaleri and N. trifasciatus, antagonistic behavior directed at conspecifics can have deleterious results if sufficient space and plant cover are not provided.

Once acclimated to the aquarium, and provided with conditions to their liking, Nannostomus are hardy and have a firm grasp on life, often living for five or more years.

Threadfin Rainbow – Iriatherina werneri (Indonesian code 4650) Average 1.25″ – 1.5″

Threadfin Rainbow

The threadfin rainbowfish or featherfin rainbowfish: In aquaria they are usually peaceful, they live preferably in groups of six or more. Because of their long fins they should obviously be kept in a tank without fin-nippers. They breed best in tanks without other species.

Threadfin Rainbowfish do well in aquariums of 20 US gallons (76 L), however 30 US gallons (110 L) is preferred. They are best housed in a “species only” tank; meaning that the tank is reserved for the Threadfins alone. Because of their tiny mouths, they can be difficult to feed. They do well with live foods, such as baby brine shrimp, and the micrometre larval diets. They prefer water that is soft to moderately hard, slightly acidic (pH 6.0 – 7.0), and with a temperature of 23 – 29 degrees C (73 – 84 degrees F).

Marble Hatchet fish – Carnegiella strigata (Brazil Code 6117) Average 0.75 – 1″

Marble Hatchet fish

The Marbled Hatchet fish, is a small, freshwater ray-finned fish native to South America and is common in the aquarium industry. Like most Amazonian fish, the species prefers softer, acidic water. Hatchets usually occupy the top portion of the freshwater tropical fish wholesale tank and like many other aquarium species may be shy at feeding times just after they have been introduced. However, given some time and proper water conditions, they will be less hasty.

As with most Characins (see Characidae), they are omnivores and prefer a varied diet, including live or frozen food, and vegetables. However, they will not swim to the bottom to eat so all food must float. Hatchets have a tendency to be shy fish and are easily intimidated by larger or fast moving fish, so they are only appropriate for very peaceful communities or species tanks.

They will also be happier if they don’t have to share the top portion of the tank with any other fish and if kept in schools of at least three. They like plants with long trailing leaves to hide under. It is absolutely necessary for tanks inhabited by these beautiful fish to have a tight lid, as they can and will jump when startled.

Cardinal Tetra – Paracheirodon axelrodi (Brazil Code 6102) Average 0.5″ – 1″

Cardinal Tetra

The cardinal tetra, is a freshwater fish native to the upper Orinoco and Negro Rivers in South America. Given the origins of the cardinal tetra, namely blackwater rivers whose chemistry is characterized by an acidic pH, low mineral content and the presence of humic acids, the species is adaptable to a wide range of conditions in captivity, though deviation from the soft, acidic water chemistry of their native range will impact severely upon breeding and fecundity.

The preferred temperature range of the fish is 21 degrees C to 28 degrees C (70 degrees F to 82 degrees F). The water chemistry of the aquarium water should match that of the wild habitat – filtration of the aquarium water over peat is one means of achieving this.

Scarlet Gem Badis – (Singapore code 1863) Average 1″

Scarlet Gem Badis

The Badis is a small, predatory fish that feeds on tiny invertebrates. Males normally display stronger coloration and females may appear more rounded when gravid. Coloration is extremely variable and changes with mood, though typically the fins are blue and dark vertical bands are apparent on the flanks.

Galaxy Rasbora – Celestichthys Margaritatus (Singapore code 2153) Average 1″

Galaxy Rasbora – Danio

Danio are native to the fresh water rivers and streams of Southeast Asia, The Danio is an ideal species for any planted or community aquarium as they add color and will get along with other community species well. They are quite easy to care for as they will tolerate a variety of water temperatures and conditions, although they would prefer a water temperature around 78 degrees F with a slightly alkaline pH.

Danio are a small schooling species that should be kept in groups of at least 6 individuals with 8 or 10 individuals in the group being ideal. It is best to duplicate their natural environment in the freshwater tropical fish wholesale aquarium with an abundance of live plants and with some drift wood and rocks. In the wild this species lives in very calm water that is often spring fed or formed from overflows of other waterways, thus they should be kept in aquariums that do not have constant strong direct currents.

They live in shallow water in the wild that has strong direct sunlight, so they do very well in strongly lit planted aquariums, and will use heavily planted areas in the aquarium or driftwood and rocks to retreat to if they feel threatened.

The Celestial Pearl Danio is an omnivore that will eat virtually any standard topical fish foods available within the hobby. They will readily accept flaked foods, frozen preparations, vegetable or algae flakes and wafers along with freeze-dried bloodworms, tubifex worms and brine shrimp. Essentially they will eat the same foods that would be being fed to the bulk of tropical freshwater species found in a tropical community aquarium.

Harlequin Rasbora – heteromorpha (Singapore code 2159) Average 0.75″

Harlequin Rasbora

All of the Rasbora species are unaggressive, peaceful, and can be kept with fish of similar temperament. They are strong swimmers and in nature prefer to be in small schools. They like to stay in the upper areas of the freshwater tropical fish wholesale aquarium. Your tank should provide plenty of open space for swimming as well as some dense plantings to serve as shelter. The water temperature should be kept around 76 degrees F.

Rasboras prefer soft water and if possible you should use a peat filter bag in your filter, (Tetras will benefit also.) They will eat flake, frozen as well as live food.

Many species of Rasbora will breed without too much difficulty, spawning freely in soft, neutral or slightly acidic water. Unfortunately Rasbora Heteromorpha is not one of these. The water should be very soft with a hardness of 1.5 to 2.5 DH and a pH of around 6.0.

For information on ordering these freshwater tropical fish wholesale for your pet store, call East Coast Tranship, Inc. at 301-782-1025.

The Beauty Of Exotic Tropical Fish

Tropical fish can make great pets and be a fun hobby for the fish enthusiast. When setting up your first tropical fish tank, it is wise to begin with a freshwater tank and a few inexpensive and low maintenance varieties of fish. If you want to expand your hobby however, you can try your hand at some more exotic types of tropical fish and even move on to a saltwater aquarium.

Keep in mind that these fish will be a more expensive investment and the saltwater aquarium will be a little more complex to set up and maintain. The results of your research and work will be some beautiful fish to gaze at in a habitat that is designed to help them flourish. If you do not feel ready for the big league and the saltwater tank, you can select some more exotic varieties of tropical fish for you freshwater tank.

Exotic Tropical Fish for the Freshwater Tank

Once you have moved on from the platies, mollies and swordtails, you are ready for the deeper waters of the more expensive and exotic tropical fish. Some examples of species are the silver dollars, tin foil barbs and the beautiful Australian rainbow fish. While these fish will run a little higher in price, they can add beauty and color to your freshwater tank that will make them worth every penny.

If you decide to add some of these more exotic tropical fish to your mix, make sure that you carefully research each species to ensure that your tank will be the proper habitat, and your new fish will be compatible with your current fish. If you begin to investigate the various species of exotic tropical fish, upgrade to a larger tank rather than overcrowding your current one. A crowded aquarium does not lead to happy or healthy fish of any variety.

Exotic Tropical Fish for the Saltwater Tank

Just like setting up your freshwater aquarium, a saltwater tank will take plenty of research to set up properly. While you are heavy into your reading, look into what types of exotic tropical fish you would like to add to your saltwater tank, and educate yourself carefully on the specific care of each type.

While the steps in a saltwater tank are similar to that of freshwater aquariums, keep in mind that the costs will be much higher for both equipment and the exotic tropical fish that you choose. The rewards will be a beautiful tank full of colorful fish that you will be able to enjoy for many years to come.

Wall Aquarium – A Way To Make Your Interiors Alive

Are you looking for good options to display your water species at home or in office? Then you search ends here. As wall aquarium is the best way to make your home or office look more energetic. The wall aquarium is the aquariums which form the part of the wall. They can be placed at any place according to the choice and the surroundings. It is a very ideal option as it is an added feature to decorate your homes.

Most of the people consider it as a lucky sign but do not have enough space to keep them. Thus the wall aquariums can serve your purpose as they can be easily hung on walls and also do not require large space. You do not have to think about the space as they can be easily accommodated only in small place. They are available in different shapes and sizes. One of the most popular types of aquariums is the in-wall types that are installed within the walls itself. It is considered as the best option as they save a lot of space and at the same time display the colorful fishes. But the most essential thing to consider is that how will you go about buying the wall aquarium.

You can make a visit to several stores which have designed aquariums and you can choose from them. If you wish to have your own design you can tell them about your idea and they get it prepared. The customized ones are more preferable as the pre-designed ones do not fulfill the requirements that you have. For getting a clearer view you can go through the websites for online options and better designs.

Wall Aquarium is well known as the living picture aquarium. They bear the resemblance to the traditional wall portrait or painting. Depending on the variety of these living pictures you can find a small cabinet to hang it at your home. The size of these aquariums makes them a best decorative piece at your home. If you desire to show the fishes displayed at your homes and office then this is the best approach to style and fashion that will serve your purpose.

The popularity of these wall aquariums are continuously rising these days. If you make a decision to buy a pre-built wall aquarium that looks like a living picture then it is the best investment for you. Apart from the saved breathing space it will add an elegant and a professional look at your home and office. They are the ideal items to adorn your beautiful home.

Wall Aquariums are truly the perfect addition to virtually any environment, whether it be your office, living room, bedroom, or family room. Have a beautiful Wall Aquariums installed inside your wall.

Top Three Most Essential Applications Of Potassium Permanganate

Are you familiar with the deep purple solution your mother applies to your skin when you had a bad case of athletes foot? It did a great, didnt it?

That solution is made by dissolving potassium permanganate crystals in water. Potassium permanganate is an inorganic but water soluble compound. It is also known as Condys crystals and permanganate of potash.

This chemical has a strong oxidizing property that is why it is very useful in many applications. However, one of its more popular uses is in medicine, as an antiseptic and fungicide. It has also been used in water treatment by the army to render potable water. But this practice has been discontinued because it causes stains on the teeth.

Medicinal Uses

Potassium permanganate is dissolved in warm water to come up with a nice pink colored solution which is then ideal for treatment of skin conditions such as dermatitis, eczema, and fungal infections of the hands and feet.

Immersion in potassium permanganate has been proven to be effective for skin conditions but this is largely unpopular because of the stains and discolorations it leaves on the bathing materials such as towels and the bath tub. This can be addressed, however, with dissolving the right amount of crystals. A concentration of 1:10,000 will result to a pink color. Using too much and the water goes black and results to a rather nice but fake tan.

A weak solution of potassium permanganate has been formerly used as an antiseptic wash for vaginal thrush, vulvovaginitis as well as persistent urine infection in both children and adults. It has also been applied as a vaginal douche after childbirth way before the use of antibiotics.

Treatment of Fish Diseases

Potassium permanganate is an effective treatment for various fish diseases and parasites. It is helpful in treating bacterial gill infection and skin ulcers. It dramatically improves water quality by reducing the biological oxygen demand as a result of the oxidation of the dissolved organic matter in the water.

It is commercially used as an oxidizing agent in fish ponds to react with organic matter including bacteria, algae, particulates as well as organic sediments. It is very important to calculate the exact amount of needed chemical for the volume of water since it can cause extensive damage or even death of your fish. It can be used as a pest control for parasitic nudibranches in your aquarium.

However, frequent treatment can harm your fish so wait for a reasonable period before repeating treatment. Disperse the solution evenly throughout the pond and aerate your pond properly after treatment.

Water Treatment

Having a strong oxidizing capacity, potassium permanganate is ideal for use in water treatment. It removes from the water, iron and magnesium which give water its unpleasant color and unpalatable taste. It is added to the water for treatment especially those which come from sources deep into the ground. It also reduces rust in the pipes and other water equipment.

To prevent cholera and other water-borne diseases, wash fruits and vegetables with diluted potassium permanganate solution as well as your cooking utensils such as the chopping board.

There are other uses and applications for potassium permanganate primarily because of its excellent oxidizing property. And also as a result of this, proper handling and storage must be practiced. Always use gloves when handling this chemical since it quickly reacts with the skin leaving a dark brown stain.

It is a strong oxidizer therefore proper storage is necessary and must be kept away from other highly oxidizable substances. It should be separated well away from concentrated sulfuric acid because reaction with these two chemicals can be explosive.

Your Freshwater Aquarium Fish Tank Basics

You can get a great freshwater aquarium fish tank, but you are going to have to put in a little effort and take your time when shopping. Too small a house for a growing population of fish and you will have to upgrade quickly, and too large a tank for a small room or office, and you will have a space problem in the room that the tank will be in. Find practical solutions! The freshwater aquarium tank is a solid and well designed, self contained structure for keeping fish in a safe, controlled environment where you have or should have, total control over them. In choosing the best tank, there are many important points to consider such as the material the tank is made of, the size, the shape and the associated cost.

Each point has its advantages and disadvantages. Of course, innovations are not made for nothing and the long history of the hobby is a testament to its over all success. You may ask yourself: Can I handle a small or large fish tank? Can I have the classic look, or a rather contemporary one? Can I go with a cheap tank or an expensive one? The details below are basic information on a standard freshwater aquarium fish tank according to the type of material the tank is made of, its differing sizes and shapes, and its corresponding cost.

Watch Your Material

A fish tank can be made of glass or acrylic. Glass tanks are the classic type of aquarium tank. Since the introduction of glass in the year 500 of the Roman Empire, glass in general and the glass fish tank has undergone major changes and improvements. On the other hand, acrylic tanks became popular in the latter part of the nineteenth century and the tank itself has not gone through as many changes as the glass tanks have. Both are made of relatively good materials though they do differ in weight and performance.

A glass tank is heavier than an acrylic tank, and many people prefer the acrylic type for that reason, and also because it is not as fragile as the glass type which can break easily. Thus, acrylic tanks are easily shipped from one place to another. From the store or company where it is purchased to your home, or from one room in your home to another.

Also, acrylic tanks require a smaller heater than glass tanks and are proven as better insulators and are historically more stable in terms of temperature. However, many still prefer the glass tank because of its availability, its tendency not to get yellowish over time, and its strength against being scratched. The new glass tanks with laminated glass are a clever way to have the advantages of both glass and acrylic.

For really large aquariums such as those in museums and public aquariums, fiberglass is used.

Watch Your Size

Tanks can be small, medium or large. Some of the popular small aquarium sizes range from 1 gallon to 15 gallons and sometimes a little larger depending on the pets it will house. Mid-sized tanks range from twenty gallons to forty while large tanks range from fifty to one hundred eighty gallons. These may come in various length, width and height proportions.

you should remember that each gallon of water in your tank is going to weigh around 10 pounds. This calculation is needed when choosing your tank’s stand and a stable space to put your aquarium. It is not true that the smaller the tank, the easier it will be to manage. Another principle is that, the larger the tank, the better it is for the fish. The shorter but horizontally long tank is better than a thin and vertical tank in terms of swimming space for the fish and circulation of oxygen from the surface. Of course, it follows that with enough oxygen, fish become healthier and the stocking capacity increases but be aware that you should never overstock the tank with too many fish. This will help to avoid oxygen depletion.

Watch Your Shape

The most common type of shape for tanks is the rectangular and spherical (such as a fish bowl) types. Modern technology has made it possible for tanks especially the acrylic type to come in varied shapes such as cubic, hexagonal, L-shaped and bow-front where the front side is convalescent. acrylic fish tanks have smoother edges than glass tanks do. You can choose to be conventional or experimental when it comes to shape. Please be aware that the shape of your fish tank will have an effect on the circulation (or lack of circulation) of oxygen and nutrients needed by your fish.

Watch Your Cost

Glass tanks can cost two to three times more than the acrylic tanks. However, when it comes to very large tanks like 250 gallons and up, the price is neutralized because it will cost you plenty, no matter which type you choose. Choose your tank according to the type you can afford and maintain. Acrylic tanks have higher maintenance cost than glass tanks.

You should decide to choose the best tank based on the type of material the tank is made of, its size, its shape, its cost and your available space.

People should want the most tank that they can afford. While it is true that any type of tank can be considered reliable because they are manufactured for that reason, one still needs to keep in mind the costs associated with the fish tanks set up and ongoing maintenence. Like in any experience, there may be nuances in the beginning but as you take one step after another, you’ll discover everything that you need to know about your total costs to stay involved with this hobby. their are good and bad points to each model of fish tank. You may freely weigh and balance them according to your needs.

The information above is a general review but be aware that the fish tank itself will be your biggest expense, but not your only expence. Also, be patient. You can get a good deal on a nice tank by taking your time and shopping around for the best deal that you can afford instead of buying the first tank that your eyeballs see.