What Type Of Habitat Do Hermit Crabs Have

Pets require extra TLC, so they can live and remain healthy. Some pets need high maintenance, specifically those that need regular ckeck-ups to the veterinarian. However, others are easy to care for. As an example, a hermit crab does not need frequent check-ups or medication. This type of creature is pleased with only a few essential things you put inside its glass tank. Typically, the hermit crab can live long when it has a spacious box with fine sand and a few shells or even plastic plants. In case you plan to own a pet hermit crab, these are some tips on how to take care of this interesting creature.

First of all, you need to set up the hermit crab’s home. You will need some items such as a large glass tank with a screen top, fine sand, and some shells. It would also be wonderful to put in some plastic plants that the hermit crab can play with. It is important to put the right amount of sand in the aquarium. Ideally, there must be about 3 inches of sand from the bottom of the tank. Your hermit crab can already have a wonderful time burrowing with that amount of sand. Driftwood is another important item to have in the tank, which the hermit crab can nimble on. It is also a great idea to adorn the aquarium with a few shells.

Just like any pet, a hermit crab needs regular supply of water for nourishment. You should ensure that the drinking water you give your hermit crab is chlorine free because the chemical is bad for your hermit crab’s health. You can buy chlorine remover from various pet stores. But, before applying it, you must read and understand the manufacturer’s instructions well.

Hermit crabs do not eat a lot, therefore, it is a good idea not to leave plenty of food in the tank. The best types of food for the hermit crab’s diet are tiny portions of meat, pieces of fruits, and also fish. Pet stores also offer hermit crab food that you can get for your pet. You need to inspect the aquarium after the hermit crab has eaten, and remove scraps of food.

The tank needs to have the best location, that is humid and away from direct sunlight. The ideal temperature should be about 72 degrees F, so the hermit crab will have the feel of a tropical environment. You may keep the tank cool by placing a dish with a wet sponge at the corner of the aquarium.

A hermit crab needs a clean habitat. Owners should thoroughly clean the tank frequently or when necessary. When cleaning the tank, place the hermit crab in a separate container. After that, you must empty your pet’s tank, so you can clean it up properly.